Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am reading a book about this normal high-school kind of guy that worked in the lost and found deparment on the train station and it was just any other day except that he found this diary sort of thing that had writings on it of how to kill. He was shoked that anyone would do a thing like that but when he first though that this was all a funny thing that 7th graders would do but when he kept on reading into the book he found out that this guy whoever he was he wasn't playing around with this things. He wrote that he started a fire and that was planning on killing this girl at the train station. He tried to turn this into the police but since he had a record he though they weren't going to belive him and he was right the cops pretty much laughed at his face and didn't pay attention to him so he decided to this on his own but what he didn't count on was that the guy might come back to get his diary back and that took him by surprise, he followed him to his house to find out where he lived and he might finally have enough evidence that the police might get into action...

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